Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Day 90 - Unsafe

Capturing a thought in mid-air, always fascinating.

That thought would be that I feel unsafe within what I do for a living, meaning my occupation. I find this all too strange still, working on my own time, making my own decisions, where I have to implement self-direction and responsibility. Thus, through doing all of this, I will be the one who decides how much I will be earning at the end of a month, and how far I will be driving myself to do better.

Now that is all linked to this one thought - Being unsafe. Why I feel unsafe within this is because if one day in the month I decide not to do any of this, then I’ll bear the consequences of my actions.  It is so easy to say today I am taking a day off, or not even taking a day off but acting as if I am working while actually doing nothing, expecting myself to move forward with such an attitude. Whereas this creates the thought of where I would think I am unsafe.

So after this particular thought, I’d have a follow-up of other thoughts where my mind will think of a different situation where I will actually feel safe within, for example working for a boss, being the employee. Where I know whatever I do, my salary at the end of the month will stay the same, so it is then basically “safe” to take a day off, while at work, meaning acting as if you are working whilst not, but still getting paid. A mind fuck, yes.

So, I’ll be looking into this for the next few days, and set myself free from this illusion that I am unsafe, and just realise that self-direction is not only in your business world that needs to be applied, but also in everyday life.

Just for the record, being an employee doesn’t necessarily make you safe…

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