Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Day 44 – Why Hesitate?

Making phone calls, how silly of me to be scared of a phone call, and pressing the green button that is staring me in the face every single time after I have typed in the number I have to dial, defeated by hesitation, yes, I am. This is the problem I am facing since I have started working at my new company this year.

It started out as a nervous voice ringing through the speaker as I spoke to the person on the other end of the phone,  to a confident person knowing what I wants to say and how to say it but, within all of this, the progress, the build-up of a personality within me towards my clients and the arrangement of appointments, there are still a hesitation every time before I start dialing.

When I am in person I can start talking without fear and hesitation, instead I talk with confidence now because I know what I want to say, I have the discipline to direct myself within the moment now, knowing where I want to take this conversation to, be the king of the world in that moment.

But then again, when back at the office and I have to make a call...

It’s as if I fear the person on the other end of the phone when I have to call them, because I can’t see them, I can’t read them to see if this person will be easy to talk to or difficult and then from that point on direct myself on how to approach the situation becomes difficult.

 So, first, is the problem for my hesitation just a reflection for where I really stand within myself, my direction, my responsibility, confidence and my progress? If I were to be so confident within myself, would I not be able to call a person without hesitation? Because I am confident right and I know exactly what to say and how to say it. Meaning this confidence that I have build is real, or is it?

The only time that I will walk/talk with confidence is when I am busy with my work, meaning I don’t have the confidence yet to go out in the world to be me, to strike up a random conversation with someone, or ask a random person for directions or a question I need an answer to, I only have confidence within one field of my life, and that is my job, not in any other fields.

But then again, what is confidence really? Confidence is build upon an idea you have of yourself, an idea where you are so sure about it that you can scream it out to the world and feel good, even if its horribly wrong... So instead of relying on this concept of confidence, that is actually just screwing you up, I will instead accept the challenge and responsibility to use self-direction within self-honesty, getting behind the real reason for why I want/need confidence within a situation and then take a look at this situation, where I can see what needs to be done and through this get my deeds done by directing self, and not relying on assumed ideas/beliefs.

Get a move on, for more info on memories and thoughts, visit: http://lite.desteniiprocess.com

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