I forgive myself for I have accepted and
allowed myself to take a situation personally, when it was purely meant for a
moment of only helping someone out, and not suppose to be a moment for ego
boosting, and by taking this situation personal allowing myself to get angry
for what has happened.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to feel rejected within this situation and by feeling rejected
creating a negative reaction where I get angry at the person for what has
happened, allowing them to get to me and make me feel that my ego is being “hurt”.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to pass on information with an alternative goal of only gaining
an ego boost, where my ego can feel proud of the knowledge it has within and
are able to pass on, instead of doing it out of pure innocence, to help the
person understanding the program better, and to be more effective through my
knowledge I have to give.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to be offended by the rejection of my knowledge because of the
believe I have, where I believe that one should listen to me when speaking
about the program just because of my 2 years experience that I have with it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to have a clouded mind because of my ego and not being able to
identify the situation for what it is, and by not being able to identify it, I just
jumped in with no concern of the other persons situation, basically just
reacting upon my own self-interest and what I think is best for the person and
their knowledge at the present time, instead of thinking what is best for all
within this situation and the most effective solution.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to react upon this self-interest, to use this knowledge as a way
to get attention to give myself a little boost with the ego, and being rejected
upon this, to become angry.
I forgive myself for I have accepted and
allowed myself to use hunger as an excuse for my anger, and to get out of this
situation with no conflict, dodging a point of self-honesty/responsibility that
I have to face, resolving the issue here in this moment instead of postponing
it to a later stage in time.
a move on, for more info on memories and thoughts, visit: http://lite.desteniiprocess.com
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