Sunday, 31 August 2014

Day 54 – Took an arrow to the knee

 I didn't literally took an arrow to the knee, otherwise I would not be sitting here typing, but I did take a rock to the knee, and it hurts like hell. How this happened was because of a fire here in the valley, and we were called out to help put it out.

As we arrived, we started to put the fire out, we were a team of 5 guys with fire beaters. Now while the fire is out there blazing hot in the fields, you can see clearly, even though it looks like you are in some kind of Elders Scroll game: Oblivion. So, as the fire dies out because of our man power with these fire beaters, it became dark, almost pitch black and this is where I tripped on a massive rock and fell face first on the ground. I managed to do this because of the 3 jackets I had collected, meaning my hands were full.

Now as I fell and hit the ground where my knee jammed into this massive rock and hurting it, I instantly started to fear of what might happen to me as I was here all alone in this field (the other people already left on foot, in a hurry to the next location of the fire) with my leg feeling almost numb whilst my knee felt like its been cut off, I feared for my safety, feared that I might get left behind, and be lost.

Meaning - because of these fears I tried to stand up as quickly as possible to get off the hot ground, and to catch up with the other people I realised that I was crippled because of my knee. This is when I started to experience even more fear, here I am in an unknown field which just burnt down, in the dark and no one in sight thinking/fearing I might have broken my leg as the pain spiked throughout my whole right leg as I stepped on it, with no one to help me. Suddenly realising that I am also out of breath, because of this shock and fears.

This is when I realised that fear is any man's downfall, and that a person have to deal with these fears to get rid of them, to get along, to be able to stand up for yourself, to stand up tall in any situation and not let your mind and it's fears get in the way.

Monday, 25 August 2014

Day 53 – Comfortability, Part 3

When and as I see myself being uncomfortable with who or what I am in any situation, I stop and I breathe, I realise that this uncomfortably is just an idea in my head about what other humans might think of me, and that this idea should not define me for who I am or for how I experience the moment, enabling myself to express myself to enjoy the moment in comfortability.

When I see myself as being uncomfortable with any human, if I know them since today, or since the day that I can remember, I stop and I breathe, I realise that by being uncomfortable with myself and the people around me will only take my joy and experience within life away, and hinder me in the process of living out my utmost potential.

When and as I see myself creating the idea within my head that I make other people uncomfortable, I stop and I breathe, I realise that if I am going to channel my energy into this thought that it will only hinder me in this present moment.

When and as I see myself feeling awkward around other people, I stop and I breathe, I realise that this is just thoughts within my mind that generates this feeling and that it is not real, and therefore I can be who I am without feeling awkward or uncomfortable.

When and as I see myself following a pattern of thoughts about physical contact, i stop and I breathe, I realise this is a pattern and that my thoughts are looping within this pattern, and by realising this I can let go of this patter and release myself from thinking about the past moment that is long gone, and allow myself to be here within the present.

When and as I see myself projecting the moment taking place in the present, to see what it might be in the future, I stop and I breathe, I realise by doing this I am not being here with the moment, but instead in the future playing out another reality which does not even exists, and by realising this I can stop myself from continuing on this path, and instead be in the moment of here within the physical reality, expressing myself.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself feeling stiff, or that I am not comfortable within my own body, and that I can't move around as I wish to, I stop and I breathe, I realise by feeling this way is just me not accepting myself and my body for who and what I am, and therefore create a disconnection between myself and my body, (which is one and the same, as I am a body and not just inside of a body or placed in a body that is not mine) and therefore need to breathe and assist myself to bring myself back to reality to realise that my body is me, and that I am my body.

I commit and allow myself to be comfortable in any given situation, to be myself and to be true by being in the moment of here, the present within each and every breath.

I commit and allow myself to accept psychical contact from another person, to feel comfortable and relaxed when such a situation arise and not to project the outcome of the situation.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Day 52 – Comfortability, Part 2

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in uncomfortably throughout my whole life, not taking in the moment as it presents itself and just be HERE, enjoying the moment as it exists in the physical reality which I can see with me eyes, hear with my ears, and experience with my whole being.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted myself and not allowed myself through not accepting myself to be able to be comfortable with myself, and the humans around me, with which I live with each and every day, or even those that I have known for my whole life.

I forgive myself for I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am making other people uncomfortable with my presence, that I have to sit still, say nothing, do nothing and just be there because maybe, just maybe I am disturbing someone, meaning I am only doing this to please everyone without even knowing what or how these people are feeling or experiencing the moment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be judge mental about this situation of who is comfortable with me being around, or not, judging people by their looks which in reality is not closely to what they are experiencing within themselves, and therefore I am being a "introvert".

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit myself and my self-expression for who I am because of the uncomfortably I experience with myself and/or other people around me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that people will judge me if I say something, or being scared that I will say something stupid or senseless and therefore feel uncomfortable when I am speaking (awkwardness basically).

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fall into a pattern directly after someone has touched my shoulder, or my back when speaking to me, where I would think of the situation for the rest of the day, basically get stuck in that moment, instead of moving with each and every new moment that presents itself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel awkward when I have any type of physical interaction with another human being, not being able to be comfortable with it, or with myself, and always feel like I have to retreat from the moment and get my distance from this human being - not able to express myself because of these thoughts.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the other human being I am having physical contact with feels the same way as I do (wants to retreat, or keep the distance because we are having physical contact and this needs to be done for some odd reason?) and because of this thought I am retreating, or generating the distance between us.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel uncomfortable having physical contact with another human being, and therefore feel like the moment will become awkward between me and this human if it continues for too long.

I forgive myself for I have accepted and allowed myself to feel like a stick man within my own skin (stiff) and that I am not able to move around as comfortable as I want to, and therefore I am not really moving in the physical reality of the moment, being still and static.

I frogive myself for I have not yet accepted and allowed myself to be here in the moment as the physical, to need another human being to bring me to the moment of now through the words and actions they are speaking over me, to accept and allow myself to be here within the breathe.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Day 51 – Comfortability

How comfortable am I with myself and other people around me? Comfortability will be the subject to be explored today within myself, and the people around me.

My whole life I have never really been comfortable with anybody, except my family and a few friends, but still only up until a certain point.

So, by not being comfortable within my
self, and with myself for as long as I can remember, I have never really been comfortable with any other person. Basically limiting myself and my self-expression. Because of this I am not used to people that are comfortable with themselves, meaning when they talk to me, or having physical contact with me when  they are talking to me, for instance touching my shoulder to make me aware that they are here speaking to me personally, or for when they rest their hand on my back while I'm sitting and they stand behind me - as examples - and because of this, whenever a situation similar to what I have described arises, I'd then think about it for hours afterwards.

So in my mind the process of a pattern will be triggered, and for the rest of the day this pattern of thoughts will play out in my head where I would tell myself: "This person touched my shoulder while speaking to me, what a strange experience this was but, within this strangeness I liked it, it was comforting even when we were only talking in a relaxed state about a relaxed subject, and I like it because you know then that that person is HERE, within the moment". As these thoughts would go around in circles in my mind, i'd start to realise that I am just not used to any sort of physical contact, and being comfortable with myself and any other human being at the same time, and what if this is the whole reason why I can't express myself - for I am not comfortable with these actions taking place within myself and the people around me?

I have never really reached out to a person in this manner, nor has it crossed my mind. When it did, I did not proceed with the action because I am under the impression that people don't like it, but what if they do, what if they just want to know that you are HERE in the physical with them just by touching the shoulder? I will never know. Just to be clear this is not to just touch random strangers on the shoulder when speaking to them, lol. Its for people that I deal with a lot in my life, where I need to get myself to a point for when I am contacted physically like a touch to the shoulder or a pat on the back, that I don't find it to be weird (and vice versa), but as normal people caring and looking after each other, assisting each other to be here in the physical reality of the moment.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Day 50 – Death of a Friend

A school friend passed away yesterday (2014/08/12), at the age of 22, they speculate that it was because of a heart attack. It happened while he was in the gym, where he took his last breath. When I heard the news at first I did not believe it, I read it online through a shared status message on Facebook. I thought the friend (my best friend) who shared this status was with him and just randomly decided to create a cool status for this person, until I went onto his wall to find out the truth. This was the time when I felt the shock through my body, and decided to contact my best friend to ask what happened and find more info on the situation.

Carl Maritz (Blue T-shirt)
So it was true and confirmed, and the sudden realisation that the death of a friend had passed over me. It felt unreal, untrue, and how can a person at such a young age die from a heart attack(As far as the speculations go)? It just doesn't feel right. The news was tragic, I saw him just the other day before I came to PMB, how can this be?

I did not have any deep emotional reaction (only a few days later) when I read about the news, only a shock that flows through my whole body, tapping my energy. Why I didn't have any deep emotional feelings towards this news was because of the fact that I didn't create any major friendship bonds with him, we only hanged out when the group came together, not alone as two good or best friends would. The parts where I would get massive overflow of emotions was when I would think of his best friends, and the whole group that he had spent most of his time with, and his family of course. When thinking about them and how they are suppose to be dealing with this loss. It feels unbearable..

But as we know, I have also spent time with him, had a lot of get togethers with this group of friends, having an awesome time, where we would always joke around and laugh about silly things,  we had good times together and that is what will be remember of him. It is a shame that I did not get to hang out with them more often.

So now, every time I think of this friend who had passed away (this thought is stuck in the back of my mind) there’s this blank dot in my mind, stopping me from imagining him, not being able to get a hold of him, as if there’s a disconnection between my thoughts and this person.

I knew where he worked - it was at a mall and every time I went there I would greet him, where he would talk some shit to me (meaning making jokes) and just make us laugh, now knowing that this person will not be there anymore when I do visit this mall, he will not be there, which in return by thinking about this creates a blank spot within my memory of this friend that I had, which is a deep saddening experience for me.

I wish I could be there for your farewell, Fish, thank you for the moments of joy that I had to get to experience with you over the past 5 years. May you now rest in peace.

In memory of Carl (Fish) Maritz

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Day 49 – Dealing with Fear, Part 3

When and as I see myself fearing for my life when an epidemic is taking place somewhere in the world, I stop and I breathe. I realise that by fearing this won’t solve my problem, but instead just raise the risk for my own health and well being.

When and as I see myself giving away my power to a fear, allowing it to control and consume me, I stop and I breathe, I realise that this fear is not real, and only made up from my own thoughts and outside knowledge which I have acquired.

When and as I see myself fuelling this fear by creating more and more thoughts within my mind, and creating a fear of loss within this, I stop and I breathe, I realise that the fear isn’t real, and it is only my mind that is putting me in this position, allowing myself to breathe and support myself by realising this to correct my thoughts, and the pattern that it is following, stopping the vicious cycle where my mind creates thoughts based on fear which creates more thoughts and fear... etc.

When and as I see myself wanting to rest, because of the believe that I have, I stop and I breathe, i realise that it is my mind that requires this rest because of a pattern that my mind is following, and that I am not actually physically tired.

When and as I see myself wanting to be lazy, I stop and I breathe, I realise that this is not being me productive, and living my utmost potential and just a lazy pattern I am following, and by following this pattern, I will create a fear for the future.

When and as I see myself wanting to reward myself out of working hard for a short while, i stop and I breathe, I realise that I am only now getting started and that there is no need for rest, for I am young and strong and I have done more hard work than this before, that I am capable of doing what is necessary and giving my utmost potential within what I want to do, and want to achieve.

When and as I see myself sitting back to relax, believing that I will just receive everything from out of nowhere, I stop and I breathe. I see the pattern in this moment, and realise that I should not be sitting still but, actually stand up and go get myself that of which I want to achieve for it shall not be granted to me for free or by not doing anything.

When and as I see myself fearing the future because I am not moving forward at present, I stop and I breathe, I realise I should not fear the future, stop these thoughts about the future and instead start directing myself in the way I want to go.

When and as I see myself not moving, not having self-direction, I don’t stop but, I do breathe and while doing so, I realise that I need to direct myself within each moment of breathe, as here in the physical reality to get myself moving forward and not allowing myself to stagnate within where I am now at the present.

When and as I see myself taking advantage of a situation to be able to rest, I stop and I breathe, i realise that by taking this advantage of the situation will not only have an impact on me, but on other people as well, meaning I live in a point of self-interest and not taking other people into consideration, for when I am standing still, a part of our business is also in a static point in time, not moving forward.

When and as I see myself fighting with my own mind because of a fear I have generated, I stop and I breathe, I realise that both sides of my brain is.. Well mine, and so I should not divide my mind into two side and let them battle, for I am only fighting with myself, where as I can now stop this silly act and instead life out self-direction and self-responsibility within the moment of here, present.

I commit and allow myself to be here, to be in the breathe, to realise what I am doing within the moment, and to see if I am not being directed by self, and by realising this, to take on the self-responsibility to get myself moving in the direction I need to be moving.

I commit and allow myself to stop my fears for they are not real, only made up thoughts within my mind, which creates this reaction within me and then starting to take my life over, and instead to stand as one and as equal with these thoughts and fear to be able to change it for who it is, and to get rid of it for it is not real.

I commit and allow myself to direct myself in the direction I need to go, to allow myself to take on the challenge and responsibility of what life is giving me in the present and give it my all and my utmost potential, unconditionally.

  Get a move on, for more info on memories and thoughts, visit:

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Day 48 – Dealing with Fear, Part 2

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear a virus, to fear that I might get sick, to fear that my family might get sick, and from this sickness die, leaving me behind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give my energy to this fear, feeding it in such a way that it has power over me, controlling me in every moment of the day.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be enslaved by this fear, that was generated through the news I heard over the television/radio, through hearing how dangerous it is, and the total deaths that was caused by it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to generate these thoughts in my mind where I would lose my family and be all alone and through these thoughts being controlled and entrapped by this fear not able to function normally, but instead wanting to cry and hide the whole time.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear my thoughts, that were not even real, but based on ideas and news that I heard, thinking it was already spreading wildly in South Africa, even when it was not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I need rest to be able to function properly, and that without this rest I won’t be able to do my job effectively, but in reality I feel fine, meaning this is just laziness kicking in.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel lazy, and then wanting to react on it by going home and do nothing, at home, just watch series or playing games.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trap myself into this bubble of rest, where I think I deserve it for working hard the past 3 days, letting my reward system get the best of me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am entitled to have a day or 3 off because of the past 3 days of hard working, not realising that this has an effect on not only me, but my business as well, slowing me down with the progress that I want to see and make.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that I will just receive everything in life on a silver platter, not having to work for what I want, instead of standing up, and go get/do it myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the future, for the fact that I am not working on it in the present, thinking that I will get nowhere within life, and by these thoughts, generating fear of the future.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stand still for so long, instead of resting for one day or half a day and then get back to work, where as these actions of mine will have a consequence, and not by realising this, I instead keep on resting to a point where I start generating fears just to be able to move forward.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to lose sight of my self-direction because of this feeling I get where I think/feel like I need rest, and that I can take advantage of the situation when it presents itself because of my hard work I had put into the past few days.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to generate a battlefield within my mind because of this fear, splitting my consciousness into two sides, battling against each other for which decision I made was the correct one.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not stand as one and as equal with this fear, to embrace it and life it out, for when that is done, then I will be able to work through it effectively, see each point I have to deal with in order to make a change within myself and these thoughts I am having that generates this fear.

Get a move on, for more info on memories and thoughts, visit:

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Day 47 – Dealing with Fear

What is it to fear? This word is so unfamiliar, but familiar. I have experience in an intense level at some point of my life, I was about 9 or 10 years old when this experience has come over me, to control me, and take me over to a point where I could not control myself. I remember that there was some kind of flue or virus in circulation around the world and that many people had died from this virus, and I feared that it would be me, or my family, fearing that I might lose everyone I love or die myself.

In this time of my life, I was a little boy, and the only way I could deal with this was by... crying, because of this raw sickening feeling in my stomach and all the thoughts running through my head of what’s going to happen if they die, or are no more, or when they are sick, and then I had to keep this inside of me while at school, which was the worst. I remember that every day in that time period, I was wondering in every moment if my parents would pitch up after school to pick me up, if they’d still be alive. When they did arrive, I would start to burst out in tears of fear, because it had to come out somehow, and even when I was with them, this fear controlled me to believe that they would die sometime soon, this kept on going for weeks.

But after this whole experience and knowing what it is to experience fear, I could identify it every time this feeling would show itself. As today it did.

The last 2 days has been slow with my work, and I was mostly on the farm, trapped in this whole bubble of I need rest to be able to work effectively, but as this kept up obviously  my business was slowing down, and nothing moving there really, until today, when I realised that I can’t just sit here expecting that life will happen by itself, and then this sickening feeling struck me again, but this time not because of a virus in the air (Yes, I am aware of the Ebola Virus Outbreak in Africa) but, the future, my future and what I am going to do with this future I have in my hands. How I am the responsible one to move myself within each moment of breathe, as here. To be able to move forward and make a change within the lives of others, as this is my goal, to build a better tomorrow, and through doing this, I have to work with me, make the change inside of myself to be able to move in the direction I want to go.

With this fear that I had just now, I was starting to ask myself questions, which the fear brought up, where as they consist of my decisions that I have made, if I made the correct ones, and if I should have stayed where I were before coming to the farm.  This again was then countered by me, where I made a statement, convincing myself that i have made the correct choice... but in essence I have only started a small war within my head, 2 sides battling against each other to determine which choice was the correct choice..

And that is why I am writing here, Self-correction, self-responsibility, self-direction and self-improvement, to be able to improve the world that I am living in, for all.

Next post will be SF.

Get a move on, for more info on memories and thoughts, visit:

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Day 46 – Why Hesitate, Part 3

When and as I see myself hesitate to make a call because I can’t see the people I am about to talk to, I stop and I breathe. I realise that by stopping myself from doing my work, jsut by not knowing some things is only hindering me and my process of getting the job done.

When and as I see myself fearing the phone call that I am about to make, I stop and I breathe, I realise that this fear is created by me, and is not real, only an obstacle in my way which I have to overcome, and I can do so by assisting and directing myself within the moment of movement.

When and as I see myself fearing miscommunication with another human being, I stop and I breathe, I realise that this is just a communication barrier and that I can overcome this barrier through using different words, and being more clear whilst speaking, and through doing this also realising that fearing this point is only a waste of potential energy that could have being used in making me more productive within the moment.

When and as I see myself taking work personally because of communication barriers, i stop and I breathe, and within this moment I slow down this process to see and to realise what is happening, and by doing this see that I only have to use self-direction within the moment, from one person dropping a call only means that they did not understand me, nothing for me to worry or fear about.

When and as I see myself being impatient with people that does not understand me, I stop and I breathe, I put myself in their position to experience what they are experiencing, realising that I should not be impatient, because I would have wanted the person to explain the concept for me until I understand(when in their position), and instead direct the conversation to a point where we can both touch ground and understand each other, and only then explain the concept in a way they would understand.

When and as I see myself facing inequality within myself and my level of confidence, I stop and I breathe, I Realise that this will only hinder me, and then start directing myself in each and every moment, instead of just relying on concepts and ideas I have of myself.

I commit and allow myself to live in each moment of breath, being here in the physical as it exists, to direct self, to reach my fullest and utmost potential of each and every moment.

I commit and allow myself to stand as one and as equal with my inequalities I face within myself, and to walk with them as they are mine, to embrace them, and then as a final act, change myself in a way that is best for all.

Get a move on, for more info on memories and thoughts, visit:

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Day 45 – Why Hesitate, Part 2

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hesitate before I make a call because of the fact that I can’t see the person and through that know what I might face when speaking to them, basically relying on my judgement which in any case might not be accurate at all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hesitate to make a phone call because I fear that I might not understand the person and have to ask them to explain a concept more than once, in return making them impatient with me and not my understanding.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that the person I am calling might not understand me, and that I have to repeat myself over and over with the person, and then after some repeating they drop the call.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take it personally when a person drops my call because they could not understand me for the reason being; communication barriers.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get impatient with people that do not understand English as well as I do, and in return makes communication very difficult for us both.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hesitate on the phone call because of this communication barrier and therefore creating impatiens and the actually hesitation because I don’t want to struggle with people.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be controlled by this impatiens, through hesitating and not wanting to do the calls that I have to, instead of directing myself and push through this challenge I am facing with communicating with other people.

I forgive myself for I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I have confidence just to be proven wrong for when I get into a situation where I do not deal with my work, just to realise that my confidence only lies within my work I do and not in the over all.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to walk within self-direction, instead I walked in confidence which is built upon images, thoughts and patterns which all in all is not real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to rely on the idea of confidence which exists of images thoughts and patterns to build up the feeling of confidence instead of self-directing myself in every moment of breath, knowing that by being directed by self, I will not be needing confidence as of the fact that I will know what I want and need to do to get to my objective, or to complete it.

Get a move on, for more info on memories and thoughts, visit: